#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Google Analytics by WebKinder\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-02 15:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
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"Language: "
#: content/privacy_policy.php:1
msgid "Google Analytics"
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:3
msgid ""
"Based on our legitimate interests (i.e., interest in the analysis, "
"optimization, and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning "
"of Art. 6 (1) lit. DSGVO), we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service "
"provided by Google LLC (\"Google\"). Google uses cookies. The information "
"generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the users are "
"usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:4
msgid ""
"Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement, which provides a "
"guarantee to comply with European privacy legislation (https:"
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:5
msgid ""
"Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our "
"online offer by users to compile reports on the activities within this "
"online offer and to provide us with further services related to the use of "
"this online offer and the internet usage. In this case, pseudonymous usage "
"profiles of the users can be created from the processed data."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:6
msgid ""
"We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means "
"that the IP address of the users will be shortened by Google within member "
"states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement "
"on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP "
"address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:7
msgid ""
"The IP address submitted by the user's browser will not be merged with other "
"data provided by Google. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting "
"their browser software accordingly; Users may also prevent the collection by "
"Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to their use of the "
"online offer as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading "
"and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: https://tools.google."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:8
msgid ""
"For more information about Google's data usage, settings and opt-out options,"
" please visit Google's websites: https://www.google."
"com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners (\"Google's use of your data when "
"you use websites or apps of our partners\"), https://policies.google."
"com/technologies/ads (\"Advertising use of data\"), https://adssettings.google."
"com/authenticated (\"Managing information Google uses to show you ads\")."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:9
msgid ""
"Incidentally, the personal data will be anonymized or deleted after a lapse "
"of 26 months."
msgstr ""
#: content/privacy_policy.php:11
msgid "Opt-out for Google Analytics"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:13
msgid "Stay informed about any changes to this plugin"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:15
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:20
msgid "First name"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:25
msgid "Last name"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:30
msgid "Permission"
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:32
msgid ""
"I agree that my personal data will be stored and used to send plugin updates "
"to my email address."
msgstr ""
#: includes/mailchimp-form.php:43
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Loader.php:155
msgid "Do not track any visits from this device"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Loader.php:156
msgid ""
"As long as you do not activate this option while you are using the incognito "
"mode of your browser, a cookie will be stored on your device. This cookie "
"will have to be renewed after one year."
msgstr ""
#: lib/Plugin.php:71
msgid "Donate to this plugin"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:46
msgid "Test your tracking code now!"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:96
msgid "Google Analytics Tracking ID"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:112
msgid "IP Anonymization"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:128
msgid "Track logged in users"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:144
msgid "Use Google Tag Manager instead"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:160
msgid "Google Tag Manager ID"
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:180
msgid ""
"Enter your Google Analytics tracking ID below. Should you use Google Tag "
"Manager to deploy Google Analytics, enter your GTM Container ID in the "
"respective field and tick the box “Use Google Tag Manager instead”."
msgstr ""
#: lib/Settings.php:224
msgid ""
"This setting is only effective if you use Google Analytics. If you use "
"Google Tag Manager to deploy Google Analytics, you have to enable IP Anonymization in your GTM settings."
msgstr ""
#. Name of the plugin
msgid "Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager by WebKinder"
msgstr ""
#. Description of the plugin
msgid ""
"Deploy Google Analytics on your website without having to edit code and "
"without tracking your own visits. You can exclude any logged in user from "
"this and enable tracking solely for them."
msgstr ""
#. URI of the plugin
msgid "https://wordpress.org/plugins/wk-google-analytics/"
msgstr ""
#. Author of the plugin
msgid "WebKinder"
msgstr ""
#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid "https://www.webkinder.ch"
msgstr ""